For us, this means: communicating knowledge and values is part of our work. We support our customers at eye level - by telephone, with modern electronic media and in personal discussions, always according to need and mutual understanding, as directly and humanly as possible. We try to understand your requirements and wishes in depth and involve you in a meaningful way in the creation of the work results. While you make us a co-author, you remain or become the master of the acquired, structured and generally understandable documented facts and specialist knowledge.
For us, this means: we provide advice on troubleshooting and repairs in the event of defects, if this makes economic sense. Many appliances and systems offer few repair options, even for specialists. Our product recommendations for extensions and new purchases take this into account. We show our customers ways out of the modern, but generally uneconomical "away & new" vicious circle.
For us, this means: we power electrical appliances with energy from renewable sources. Our employees use durable tools with which they reliably create value for our customers. They avoid waste and separate it when unavoidable. They use vehicles appropriately, especially bicycles before cars. You can experience this every day, and our employees do this out of conviction, even in their private lives.
For you, this means: even without certification of our company according to EMAS, ISO14001, ISO 50001 or similar, our services are provided for you in a comprehensive manner with respect for our shared environment!
It's ready when it's ready
Agile procedures are already familiar from many areas these days, especially in the field of IT software development. We bring this approach to our construction sites. Experience shows that this approach often produces better results with more satisfied customers.
For us, this means: we work with you to define the goals you want to achieve. These are our points of reference during implementation. We divide the path to this goal into smaller, manageable sections, each of which we plan in detail and repeatedly check whether the implementation steps discussed are still in line with your goals.
For us, this means: before each new stage, we check together whether your requirements, wishes or preferences have changed and whether we are still on the right track. We can react to changes without any major additional effort.
For us, this means: we plan our projects in such a way that they are highly compatible, as manufacturer-independent as possible and open to later expansion. This gives you a great deal of freedom in the subsequent design.
For you, this means: you can make or change decisions during the project without any time pressure. Sections can - if desired and if possible - be decoupled from each other, so that they can be spread over a longer period of time. This also spreads the financial burden for you.